Dyngus Day
Gentlemen of a mature age who are compelled to putter—recycling abandoned boxes, offering to blow the sand out of neighbor's garages, moving piles of snow when no one else will...we salute you.
(from Euro Tour 90 by Brad Hasselfield)
Dr. Pepper for the Ears—A tasty challenge for Axl Rose
Promotional Treasure
When asked “What makes you Joyful?” one Yahoo! Answers reader replied “hugging my wolf.” We're not sure what that means, but author Jane Lindskold (picture above) seems to agree.
Lemmings looking out for their own (from Mochimochi Blog)
3/31/08 Puttering Men, Calliope Man, and GN'R Front Man
3/24/08 Joyful Celebrates 1,000 Visitors With Various Assundry Glee
(from http://bradbourne.net/blog/)
Wondering what it would take to make Edgar Allan Poe smile.
(Nertz to you Twizzlers, that's just how we roll)
(from The Big Picture exhibit at Griffith's Observatory)
Today I heard about millions of monarch butterflies that are succumbing to unseasonal frost in Mexico. Etymologists dug through 8 inches of lifeless butterflies to find butterflies that had survived—protected from the frost by their fallen comrades. Go life.
the CREATURES in my head
3/17/08 Heaps of Holidays, and Other Things as Well
The Leprechaun...
...and Warwick Davis
Sleeping in.
(from intangibility.com)
The fact that physics works.
The smell of people doing laundry when you're walking outside on a cold night.
(from annmorash.blogspot.com)
Posted by
3/30/08 Craftiness, Hobbit Feet, Tow Truck Drivers, and Das Foosball
To match the airplane pamphlet “sneaky lady” posted in our first week...
...one reader sent in this photo of a couple swing dancing their way through an emergency
Laughing together when I'm leaning against you.
Tow truck drivers. Seriously. I've never met a tow truck driver that I didn't absolutely adore—and I don't think it's just the relieved endorphins talking. Even when it's 3 degrees out, they always seem good natured, resourceful, and happy to help you out of a pickle. Or a snow bank. Thanks, Earl.
(photo by Frank Panis)
Blog of note: Daily Mammal
3/3/08 Platypii, Theatre People, Nessie, and Sock Monkey Dresses (to name a few)
The difference between what kids and grownups say when asked what they would do with three wishes.
The Surrealist Compliment Generator