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Pam & Jim Wedding Website (Yes, I will eat your viral marketing up for breakfast. And love it.)

Pin Curls

Stuart Anderson

My Freakishly Shiny Thumb

Last week I was ambushed by a pretty kiosk lady at the mall. She offered me some lotion, (which I accepted since my hands reeked of corn nuts) and proceeded with some rapid fire small talk “Are you French? Your eyes are so pretty! What are corn nuts?” She was pitching lotion from the Dead Sea, which was odd because I’d actually just been given a tube of similar stuff by my parents who recently returned from a trip to Israel. As I attempted to make my goodbyes, she said “One more thing!” She then grabbed my thumb and proceeded to buff it while offering me more compliments and some didactic edification “You are I, we are natural women! We do not go to the salon. Watch how I bring forth oils from your nail! Nothing will take away this shine. Nothing! For one month!” When she finished I had one freakishly shiny thumb nail. I told her I’d come back in a month if the shine persisted and then skidaddled. Unfortunately, her claims were not quite true. Rather than investing in a buffer (which I learned online comes in a $30 nail kit—though the price will change pending your haggling abilities!) I was able to de-buff my nail by rubbing it on my front tooth. Mua-ha. What can I say, I like symmetry. I was delighted to find this blog where folks detail similar experiences. It wouldn’t have been so bad if she hadn’t had horrible breath.