An unexpected compliment
I'm a researcher, but statistics and I don't usually get along. A few days ago, after racking my brain for hours about how to do a particular calculation, I found a paper that was essentially titled “Clear, simple, step by step guide for the exact kind of analysis you want to do.” It all made sense, and worked perfectly. I was so excited by this new feeling of competence that I couldn't put the work down, and ended up using my cellphone to crunch numbers during a Red Cross appointment. I like science.
When a law banned handmade pasta in Italy's Emilia-Romagna region due to specious health concerns, one pasta-maker gathered all the pasta masters of the community together--women who'd been making pasta by hand in keeping with centuries of tradition--and put them back to work doing what they do best. He reports that he went to the health inspector and defied him to close them down. Mmmmm. Delicious underground pasta.
(from Splendid Table)